RealVNC Server for Mobile - Known Issues


This article includes a list of all of the known issues in RealVNC Server for Mobile.

Device Access & On-Demand Assist

Android & iOS

  • It is not possible to start a new RealVNC Connect session from the system menu. Users must start the session using the RealVNC Server app.
  • When starting a new broadcast from another app while a RealVNC Connect session is active, it does not stop the RealVNC Connect session. The RealVNC Server app needs to be restarted once the non-RealVNC Server broadcast has ended.
  • If the device has no internet connectivity when the RealVNC Server app is launched, connections are not possible. The RealVNC Server app needs to be restarted once internet connectivity is restored.

Android Only

  • When using an MDM to deploy and configure RealVNC Server for Android on a device using a BYOD/Android Work profile model, it is not possible to enable remote control of the device. This is an Android limitation that prevents work profile apps from interacting with certain system features, such as Accessibility Services which RealVNC Server for Android requires to enable remote control.

    You will need to move your devices to a fully managed model, or use On-Demand Assist to connect to the devices.
  • On tablets, when the RealVNC Server app is started in landscape and switched to portrait, it is not possible to switch back to portrait.
  • Multi-gestures are not possible.
  • CapsLock is not maintained when connecting to RealVNC Server for Android from RealVNC Viewer for Mobile with a hardware keyboard attached.

iOS Only

  • Active RealVNC Connect sessions are ended when the device goes to sleep, or the screen is locked.
  • Connected RealVNC Viewer users are not informed when the broadcast is paused.
  • Sending logs from the app to RealVNC Technical Support requires the iOS Mail app to be installed.

Device Access Only

  • If the RealVNC Server app encounters an error when joining a Team, it may lead to the app using On-Demand Assist mode. System administrators should confirm they are applying a valid cloud connectivity token.
  • Sending logs from the app to RealVNC Technical Support requires an email app to be available in the Android Work Profile.
  • Links in the RealVNC Server app to web pages such as the Privacy Policy, Acknowledgements and Help links require a web browser app to be available in the Android Work Profile. If one is not available, the RealVNC Server app closes.
  • If RealVNC Server tries to join a team that has no capacity for new devices it does not retry automatically. The RealVNC Server app needs to be restarted once capacity has been made available in the Team.
  • If notifications have not been enabled in iOS' Settings, Notifications, Screen Sharing, users will not be able to receive push notifications to accept or reject incoming connections.
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