Applying an offline license to RealVNC Connect


Offline - Legacy.png

If your subscription includes offline licensing, you can license RealVNC Connect using an offline license instead of licensing it via the cloud. This may be necessary if your RealVNC Connect device does not have an Internet connection, for example.

When your subscription renews, you'll need to apply an updated offline license to all of your RealVNC Servers within 28 days of the offline license expiry date to avoid losing access.

Obtaining an offline license

You’ll find your offline license on the Deployment page of your RealVNC account, which is accessed by selecting Device Access on the left menu, then clicking Deployment on the top menu that appears.

If you use an offline license, only direct connectivity is available. To use cloud connectivity, you need to use cloud licensing instead.

To enable cloud licensing without enabling cloud connections, see Can I have my subscription re-applied automatically from the cloud when I renew, even if I don't want cloud connectivity?

RealVNC 7.x

If you are running RealVNC 7.x, you can either download the license as a file, to use with the License Wizard, or use the key directly at the command line or with policy.


RealVNC Server 6.x

If you are running VNC Server 6.x, you can use the license key with the License Wizard, at the command line or with policy.


Applying an offline license desk-side via the License Wizard

RealVNC Server

If you have desk-side access to RealVNC Server, you can apply your offline license in the graphical License Wizard. To open the License Wizard, right-click the RealVNC Server tray icon and select Licensing:


Select the Register offline button at the bottom of the License Wizard and follow the instructions:


RealVNC Viewer

RealVNC Viewer only needs to be licensed when connecting to a RealVNC Server using a per user subscription.

If you have desk-side access to RealVNC Viewer, you can apply your offline license in the graphical License Wizard. To open the License Wizard, click File (VNC Viewer on Mac) and then click Apply offline license and follow the instructions:


Applying an offline license at the command line

RealVNC Server 7.x

Run the appropriate command below, as an administrator.


"C:\Program Files\RealVNC\VNC Server\vnclicense.exe" -add OFFLINELICENSE


sudo /Library/vnc/vnclicense -add OFFLINELICENSE


sudo vnclicense -add OFFLINELICENSE

where OFFLINELICENSE is either the file path to your downloaded offline license file, or the offline license key itself.

RealVNC Server 6.x

Run the appropriate command below, as an administrator.


"C:\Program Files\RealVNC\VNC Server\vnclicense.exe" -add KEY


sudo /Library/vnc/vnclicense -add KEY


sudo vnclicense -add KEY

where KEY must be replaced with your 25 character license key.

RealVNC Viewer 7.x

Run the appropriate command below.


"C:\Program Files\RealVNC\VNC Viewer\vncviewer.exe" -add OFFLINELICENSE


"/Applications/VNC\" -add OFFLINELICENSE


vncviewer -add OFFLINELICENSE

Applying an offline license in bulk or remotely

Under any platform, you can deploy your offline license at the same time as you remotely configure RealVNC Server using policy templates.

Under Linux, you can host RealVNC Server (and the offline license) on a network share.

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