RealVNC Connect
By default, RealVNC Connect subscriptions auto-renew. We’ll remind you by email in plenty of time that your subscription will be renewed and that we’re going to take payment.
If you have multiple subscriptions, please ensure you are managing the right subscription using the team picker - see the example below.
If the Enable auto-renew button is disabled, please add a payment method to your subscription. If you have a payment method on your account (displayed on the Profile page), add it to the subscription you have selected by pressing Add payment method. Select the card already on your account or add a new payment method.
If you have turned off auto-renew, you can renew manually by clicking the Renew Now from the Billing page of the RealVNC Connect portal. If there are more than 30 days before expiry the Renew Now button will not be displayed.
If you are a Business usage customer, you can disable auto-renew up to 30 days before your renewal date, by clicking Disable auto-renew on the Billing page of the RealVNC Connect portal.
Personal usage customers can disable auto-renew at any time.
If you don't renew, refer to What happens if I don’t renew?
Re-applying licenses on renewal
When RealVNC Connect has been set up with cloud licensing, we'll automatically handle licensing of all your computers. There's no need to do anything.
Please note that RealVNC Server checks subscription entitlement with the RealVNC cloud services every 24 hours. It may take up to 24 hours for renewals, or conversions from Trial to Paid plans, to be activated.
If you have a subscription that includes offline licensing, and licensed RealVNC Connect using only the offline license, you'll need to manually re-apply your offline license on that computer.
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