vnclicense - VNC® Server offline licensing utility
vnclicense [OPTION...] COMMAND
vnclicense applies an offline license to VNC Server, and performs related auxiliary operations. Visit Licensing VNC Connect for more on licensing.
Run vnclicense -add FILE as root to apply an offline license file. This operation can also be performed via the VNC Server user interface. FILE must be an offline license file obtained from RealVNC (usually with a .lic extension). The file is copied to /etc/vnc/licenses/vncserver/vnc.lic.
If VNC Server is hosted on a network share, you should instead copy the offline license file to <install-dir>/vnc/licenses/vncserver/vnc.lic, where <install-dir> is the directory where the executables are installed. Run vnclicense -reload to cause running instances of VNC Server to apply the new license.
Note that if VNC Server in Service Mode has been licensed online by signing in to a RealVNC account then it ignores any offline license.
Valid commands are:
- -add FILE
- Apply the offline license FILE, overwriting any existing license. Must be run as root.
- -remove
- Remove the current offline license. Must be run as root.
- -list
- Print information about the current offline license.
- -info FILE
- Print information about the given offline license FILE.
- -check
- Check how many instances of VNC Server are running on this computer. Returns 0 (success) if the current offline license is valid for this many computer desktops. It cannot check whether you exceed the total number of licensed desktops if you run VNC Server on multiple computers.
- -reload
- Reload the offline license and other settings for all running instances of VNC Server for the current user. Run as root to do the same for all users. Note that vnclicense -add and vnclicense -remove do this already.
For a list of options, run vnclicense -help.
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