Getting Started with On-Demand Assist


On-Demand Assist enables you to quickly connect to somebody else’s computer at a moment’s notice, without them having to install remote access software, or leaving a footprint afterwards. More information.

Watch our video about On-Demand Assist below:

For more detail on any of the topics on this page, read the Technician's Guide to On-Demand Assist.

For a list of the platforms that On-Demand Assist is available for, please see Supported Platforms for RealVNC Connect.

Adding On-Demand Assist to your subscription

If your subscription is licensed Per User, you already have access to On-Demand Assist, simply sign in to RealVNC Viewer! If your subscription is licensed Per Device, you will need to speak to us.

If you have a legacy Professional or Enterprise subscription, you don’t have to take out a new subscription. You can add On-Demand Assist to your existing subscription by signing in to the RealVNC account, navigating to the Billing page for the appropriate team, and selecting the Add capacity button.

Naming team members as technicians

You don’t have to license any software to use On-Demand Assist. All you have to do is invite members of your team online, and licensing is handled automatically for those people from then on.

Legacy subscriptions (Professional and Enterprise)

For legacy subscriptions, you must explicitly name team members as Technicians. To do this, sign in to the RealVNC Connect Portal, navigate to the People page, and select the Technician checkbox next to the appropriate person’s name.

Starting an On-Demand Assist session with an end user

Connecting to a user on Windows or Mac

A technician should:

  1. Download RealVNC Viewer.

  2. Sign in using their own RealVNC account credentials (email address and password).

  3. Click the On-Demand Assist button:


  4. Tell the end user to navigate to, and download the disposable app.

  5. Communicate the unique session code to the end user (over the phone, via email or SMS; there’s no mechanism in VNC Viewer to do this):


  6. Wait for the end user to enter the session code in this screen:


  7. Wait for the end user to read the privacy warning:


  8. Take control of the end user’s computer when the session automatically begins.

Connecting to a user on iOS

A technician should:

  1. Download RealVNC Viewer.

  2. Sign in using their own RealVNC account credentials (email address and password).

  3. Click the On-Demand Assist button:


  4. Tell the end user to download the RealVNC Server app from their device's app store.

  5. Communicate the unique session code to the end user (over the phone, via email or SMS; there’s no mechanism in RealVNC Viewer to do this):


  6. Open the RealVNC Server app on your mobile device, enter the 9-digit code, and click Connect.


  7. Click Start Broadcast, and then click on any of the blank space, as exampled in the second screenshot, to dismiss the broadcast message so the technician can then see the screen.



  8. The session will then be in progress. The end user will be able to return to the RealVNC Server application and select 'Disconnect' to end the session. The session can also be ended via RealVNC Viewer by the technician.


Connecting to a user on Android

  1. A technician should:

    1. Download RealVNC Viewer.

    2. Sign in using their own RealVNC account credentials (email address and password).

    3. Click the On-Demand Assist button to generate a unique 9-digit code for your session.

      9 digit code generation.png

  2. Tell the end user to download the RealVNC Server app from their device's app store.

  3. Communicate the unique session code to the end user (over the phone, via email or SMS; there’s no mechanism in RealVNC Viewer to do this):

  4. Ask the end user to open the RealVNC Server app on your mobile device, enter the 9-digit code, and click Connect.

    Enter 9 digit code.jpg

  5. When the end user is ready to start the session they should select Start Now.

    Start Now.jpg

  6. The session has started! To enable remote control of the device, additional steps are required. First, the end user will need to select Remote Input.

    Remote Input.jpg

  7. Select Go to Settings.

    Go to settings.jpg

  8. Enable the RealVNC Server accessibility service in your device's settings. The below screenshots show the process for a Samsung phone.

    7_accessibility.png  8_installed_apps.png

    9_toggle_service.png  10_confirm_service.png

  9. Switch back to the RealVNC Server app and confirm remote control is enabled.


Controlling the end user’s computer

The technician can use their mouse and keyboard to control the remote computer as though sitting in front of it. Note, connections to iOS are view only.

The end user retains control, and either party can end the session at any time.

There is a toolbar for the technician to perform useful operations at the top of the RealVNC Viewer session window:


Note: some features are platform specific.

For more details, and for information on session logs, branding and error messages, read the Technician's Guide to On-Demand Assist.

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