Completely Removing RealVNC Connect


Removing RealVNC Connect applications

First run the uninstaller(s) in the standard way for your platform.


You can uninstall RealVNC Server for Windows by using:

  • Settings -> Apps (Windows 10)
  • Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs (Windows 7 - 8.1)


You can uninstall RealVNC Server for Linux by running:

  • sudo apt remove realvnc-vnc-server (Debian and Ubuntu)
  • sudo yum remove realvnc-vnc-server (RedHat and CentOS)


You can uninstall RealVNC Server for Mac by:

  • Running the Uninstall RealVNC Server app, by opening Finder -> Applications -> RealVNC

Removing RealVNC Connect configuration and other files

The uninstaller(s) remove all program files, and security-related files and settings. The below tables list the (benign) files and settings that remain, which you can manually remove. It assumes an original installation to the default location.


Registry key or other setting Notes
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RealVNC  For each user account running VNC Connect
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\RealVNC  For each user account running VNC Connect
C:\Users\~\AppData\Local\RealVNC  For each user account running VNC Connect
C:\Users\~\AppData\Roaming\RealVNC  For each user account running VNC Connect
C:\Users\~\.vnc\  For each user account running VNC Connect
 A firewall entry for Listening VNC Viewer  If one was created

*VNC Mirror Driver has been uninstalled if it is no longer listed as a display adaptor in Windows Device Manager. Note any remaining files are managed by Windows as part of the Driver Store and should not be manually removed.


Directory or file Notes
~/.vnc/  For each user account running RealVNC Connect
/etc/init.d/vncserver*  Linux distributions using initd
/etc/rc*.d/*vncserver*  Linux distributions using initd
/usr/lib/systemd/system/vncserver*  Linux distributions using systemd

*RealVNC Server in Virtual Mode creates a /tmp/.X11-unix directory and /tmp/.X<num> files that may persist after the program stops. Run the command vncserver-virtual -clean before uninstalling RealVNC Connect to delete stale files.


Directory or file Notes
~/.vnc/  For each user account running RealVNC Connect
~/Library/Logs/vnc  For each user account running RealVNC Connect
~/Library/Preferences/*realvnc*.plist  For each user account running RealVNC Connect
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