What are Device Access and On-Demand Assist?


RealVNC Connect has 2 capabilities, known as Device Access and On-Demand Assist.

Device Access

Device Access enables remote access to computers you own or manage. You must have permissions to pre-install RealVNC Server on these computers but, once deployed, remote access is available 24/7, attended or unattended, direct or via the cloud. More information.

It's perfect for remote workers, departmental teams, connecting customers and suppliers, and for IT support and management of your device estate.

For large device estates, RealVNC Connect can be deployed in bulk and managed centrally using policy.

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On-Demand Assist

On-Demand Assist enables you to remotely access anyone's computer in seconds on demand, without installing remote access software. It's ideal for service desk technicians or IT support in a BYOD environment. More information.

When using On-Demand Assist you can only connect if the computer owner is present (attended) and via our cloud service, but once the session is finished there's no software left behind.

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