RealVNC Product Lifecycle Policy


RealVNC software and services support a wide range of platforms, as detailed here: Supported Platforms for RealVNC Connect

Refer to Release Notes for a list of available versions and complete changelog.

Support for RealVNC Software

Definitions of support services

Service Definition
Product Support Support provided by RealVNC's product support team where issue can be resolved through existing parameters or features within RealVNC Connect.
Critical fixes Fixes for critical errors within RealVNC Connect, as defined at the discretion of RealVNC.
Security updates Updates to RealVNC Connect which are defined, at the discretion of RealVNC, as related to the security of RealVNC Connect.
Non-security updates Updates which are not related to the security of RealVNC Connect i.e. new features, enhancements of existing features, or non-critical fixes.

RealVNC Connect 7

Version Support services available
Current version Product Support
Critical fixes
Security updates
Non-security updates
Previous 2 minor versions
(public releases only)
Product Support
Other versions None

RealVNC Connect 6

Version Support services available Start End
VNC Server 6.11.x
VNC Viewer 6.22.x
Product Support
Critical fixes
Security updates
2023-01-31 2024-01-31
VNC Server 6.11.x
VNC Viewer 6.22.x
Product Support 2024-02-01 2025-03-31
Other versions None N/A N/A

On-Demand Assist

Version Support services available
Current version Product Support
Critical fixes
Security updates
Non-security updates
Other versions None

VNC 5.x

Supported Operating Systems


RealVNC software is tested and supported on operating systems supported by Microsoft.

For information on the Microsoft Lifecycle for Windows products, click here.

To find the support status of your Microsoft operating system, click here.


Apple does not publish an official policy but RealVNC commits to support VNC Server and VNC Viewer on the current and 2 previous versions of macOS. 



RealVNC software is supported on LTS releases supported by Canonical.

RedHat / CentOS

RealVNC software is supported on RedHat Enterprise Linux (and derivatives) supported by the operating system vendor in Full Support or Maintenance Support.

SUSE Linux Enterprise

RealVNC software is supported on SUSE Linux Enterprise supported by SUSE.

Raspberry Pi OS (previously called Raspbian)

RealVNC software is supported on Raspberry Pi OS (previously called Raspbian) releases that are not End-of-Life.

Other Linux Distributions

If you are using a Linux distribution not detailed above, whilst it is likely to work, RealVNC has not tested its software and therefore is unable to provide support.

iOS / iPadOS

RealVNC supports the current and previous 3 major releases of iOS / iPadOS.


RealVNC software is supported on devices running Android 8 and above. Please note that RealVNC Server for Android is supported on 64-bit devices only.

NOTE: We are unable to support Android GO, Android forks (e.g. LineageOS) or rooted phones.

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