Where can I find the APK files for RealVNC Viewer and RealVNC Server for Android?


We recommend that you download RealVNC Viewer for Android and RealVNC Server for Android from the Google Play Store, where possible, so that you can ensure you are downloading the official version and to keep your app automatically up-to-date.

Installing the apps from APK file means that you may not receive automatic updates for the apps and all updates will need to be installed manually. You can follow the Release Notes page to be notified of updates.

If you do not have access to the Google Play Store on your Android device, then you can download the APK files for RealVNC Viewer for Android and RealVNC Server for Android using the buttons below.

RealVNC Viewer

Download RealVNC Viewer APK

  SHA-256: 2e1eb508b374094fab8091fd5bb96f19c64d8648ed0c46eaaaab504df740c691

RealVNC Server

Download RealVNC Server APK

  SHA-256: ffe1e8e03f5b290fd93ea7c8c05fbe5ab7af3722bf6688fbba383ae30442b73d

We recommend you do not download RealVNC software from unofficial sources.

Please ensure that you only download RealVNC software from the RealVNC website, the App Store, the Google Play Store or the RealVNC Help Center.

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