Can I configure which people can access which remote computers?



Yes, you can divide responsibility for remote computers with RealVNC Connect installed among the people in your team by assigning discovery permissions in the Device Access section of the RealVNC Connect Portal.

There’s no way to bypass our discovery service. If a team member does not have permission to discover a particular computer, they cannot possibly establish a connection to it.

Those not explicitly named will be denied access. If there’s no-one in the list, the computer will be inaccessible.

Assigning permissions

To individual computers

You can assign permissions to an individual computer on the Computers page, found under the Device Access section. To assign permissions to a computer, click the 3 dots button on the right hand side of the screen, and then click Manage permissions.


In the Manage permissions dialog, remove the default Everyone in the team permission and select + Add a person or group of people to explicitly name people, or groups of people, that should have access:


To a group of computers

You can assign permissions to a group of computers on the Groups page, found under the Device Access section. To assign permissions to a group of computers, click the 3 dots button on the right hand side of the screen, and then click Edit group.


In the Edit group of computers dialog, select + Add a person or group of people to explicitly name people, or groups of people, that should have access:


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