Configuring RealVNC Connect Using Parameters


RealVNC Server, RealVNC Viewer and supporting programs are controlled by parameters, set to suitable default values for most users out-of-the-box.

For a list of all supported parameters, please refer to the below links:

RealVNC Viewer Parameter Reference

RealVNC Server Parameter Reference

You can configure a program by specifying new values for parameters either:

  • Before the program starts.
  • On the command line at start-up.
  • While the program is running, and connections are in progress.

For more information on RealVNC Server modes, see Understanding RealVNC Server Modes.

Configuring programs before they start

You can specify parameters yourself:

  • Under Windows, in the Registry.
  • Under Linux or macOS, in configuration files.

Note that if you have a subscription which includes Group Policy, it might be easier to use policy to deploy parameters remotely. This has the additional benefit of locking down programs so they cannot be changed by users.

Populating the Windows Registry with parameters

Under Windows, if you have permission to edit the Windows Registry, you can specify parameters as values for particular Registry keys.

The following table lists the Registry keys to create or edit for each program, and the order in which parameters are applied. Parameters specified using policy override parameters specified at the command line, which in turn override parameters specified manually in the Registry.

Program Order parameters are applied
(lowest takes precedence)
RealVNC Server
(Service Mode)
The Options dialog for a program updates a particular Registry key; see Using the Options dialog below.

Note it is not possible to specify parameters at the command line for RealVNC Server in Service Mode.
RealVNC Server
(User Mode)
<parameters at the command line>
RealVNC Viewer
<parameters at the command line>

For example, to specify the Log parameter for RealVNC Server in Service Mode:

  1. Using Registry Editor, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\RealVNC\vncserver.
  2. Select New > String Value from the shortcut menu, and create Log.
  3. Select Modify from the shortcut menu, and specify appropriate Value data, for example *:file:100.

*All parameters take string values, even boolean parameters.

Populating configuration files with parameters

Under Linux and Mac, each program has a number of configuration files, and additionally a number shared between all programs and user accounts on the computer.

The following tables list the files you can create or edit for each, and the order in which parameters are applied. Note that parameters specified using policy override parameters specified at the command line, which in turn override parameters specified manually in configuration files.


Program Order parameters are applied
(lowest takes precedence)
RealVNC Server
(Service Mode)
The Options dialog updates a particular configuration file; see Using the Options dialog below.

Parameters specified in /etc/vnc/*/vncserver-x11 are applied to RealVNC Server in User Mode too.
RealVNC Server
(User Mode)
<parameters at the command line>
The Options dialog updates a particular configuration file; see Using the Options dialog below

Parameters specified in /etc/vnc/*/vncserver-x11 are applied to RealVNC Server in Service Mode too.
RealVNC Server
(Virtual Mode - SystemXorg)
<parameters at the command line>
The Options dialog updates a particular configuration file; see Using the Options dialog below
RealVNC Server
(Virtual Mode - Xvnc)
<parameters at the command line>
The Options dialog updates a particular configuration file; see Using the Options dialog below
RealVNC Server
(Virtual Mode daemon)
<parameters at the command line>

The daemon only accepts a subset of parameters; run vncserver-virtuald -help for a list. The daemon then launches the vncserver-x11 -virtual or Xvnc process for each connecting user, at which point its configuration files are applied to it (see RealVNC Server in Virtual Mode, above).

Note the daemon does not have an Options dialog.

RealVNC Viewer
<parameters at the command line>
The Options dialog updates a particular configuration file; see Using the Options dialog below.


Program Order parameters are applied
(lowest takes precedence)
RealVNC Server in Service Mode /etc/vnc/config.d/common.custom

Parameters specified in /etc/vnc/*.d/vncserver are applied to RealVNC Server in User Mode too.

The Options dialog updates a particular configuration file; see Using the Options dialog below.

Note it is not possible to specify parameters at the command line.

RealVNC Server in User Mode /etc/vnc/config.d/common.custom
<parameters at the command line>

Parameters specified in /etc/vnc/*.d/vncserver are applied to RealVNC Server in Service Mode too.

The Options dialog updates the configuration file; see Using the Options dialog below

RealVNC Viewer /etc/vnc/config.d/common.custom
<parameters at the command line>
The Options dialog updates the configuration file. See Using the Options dialog below.

Sharing configuration files between programs and user accounts

When RealVNC Connect is installed, /etc/vnc/config.d/common is created. Note this file is reserved for use by RealVNC.

To specify parameters for all programs for all user accounts on the computer, create /etc/vnc/config.d/common.custom.

To specify parameters for all programs for a particular user account, create ~/.vnc/config.d/common.

*~ is the root user account for certain programs; see the tables above.

Other configuration files are program-specific. For example, to specify parameters for RealVNC Server in User Mode for all user accounts on a Linux computer, create /etc/vnc/config.d/vncserver-x11.

To specify parameters for RealVNC Server in User Mode for a particular user account, create ~/.vnc/config.d/vncserver-x11. Note this is the file updated by the Options dialog.

Format of a configuration file

Each parameter in a configuration file should be on a separate line; leading and trailing white space and comments are skipped, and environment variables expanded for parameters that accept them. For example:

#This is a comment
Desktop=Build machine

Configuring programs on the command line at start-up

Under any platform, for most programs, you can pass parameters in at the command line when you start that app, each preceded by a dash (-). This enables you to configure a particular instance of the program, rather than every time it runs. For example:

vncserver-x11 -Desktop="Debug machine" -Authentication=VncAuth

*You cannot configure RealVNC Server in Service Mode at the command line. For the RealVNC Server in Virtual Mode daemon, you can specify command line parameters in the /etc/init.d/<daemon> script or in /etc/systemd/system/<daemon>.service, but it is recommended you use configuration files instead.

Parameters specified at the command line override the same parameters specified in the Windows Registry (see Populating the Windows Registry with parameters for the exact order) or in configuration files (see Populating configuration files with parameters), except for those set by policy.

Note there are disadvantages to specifying parameters at the command line:

  • The Options dialog does not reflect your choices, which may confuse users.
  • Under Linux and Mac, parameters may be overridden if a running program is reloaded. See Reloading parameters below.

*RealVNC recommends specifying parameters either in the Windows Registry/configuration files or at the command line, but not both.

For convenience, if you have many command line parameters to specify, you can populate a text file (one parameter per line; omit the dash) and reference it using the -vncconfigfile option, for example:

vncserver-x11 -vncconfigfile /my/command/line/parameter/file

Reconfiguring running programs

You can reconfigure:

  • Any running program using its Options dialog, if it has one. See Using the Options dialog.
  • RealVNC Server only by reloading parameters. See Reloading parameters below.

Note that most changes take effect immediately. Changes to a few parameters, however, require all connections to be terminated, and changes to a very small minority require the program to be restarted.

Using the Options dialog

Most programs have an Options dialog, providing a user-friendly interface to the parameter mechanism. An Options dialog typically consists of several tabs or pages devoted to particular topics such as security or connectivity, and an Expert tab or page enabling users to edit parameters directly.

Note the following:

  • The Options dialog for RealVNC Server in Service Mode requires elevated privileges.
  • The Options dialog for RealVNC Server in Virtual Mode is only available to connected users.
  • The Options dialog can be hidden from users. See Preventing Users Configuring RealVNC Connect
  • Parameters set by policy are disabled in the Options dialog.

Changes made in an Options dialog automatically update a particular Registry key or configuration file; see the tables below. When the OK or Apply button is clicked, all Registry keys or configuration files for that program are then reloaded.


Program The Options dialog updates...
RealVNC Server in Service Mode HKLM\Software\RealVNC\vncserver
RealVNC Server in User Mode HKCU\Software\RealVNC\vncserver
RealVNC Viewer HKCU\Software\RealVNC\vncviewer

See Populating the Windows Registry with parameters for a complete list of Registry keys and the order in which they are applied.


Program The Options dialog updates...
RealVNC Server in Service Mode /root/.vnc/config.d/vncserver-x11
RealVNC Server in User Mode ~/.vnc/config.d/vncserver-x11
RealVNC Server in Virtual Mode
RealVNC Server in Virtual Mode
RealVNC Viewer ~/.vnc/config.d/vncviewer

See Populating configuration files with parameters for a complete list of configuration files and order in which they are applied.


Program The Options dialog updates...
RealVNC Server in Service Mode /var/root/.vnc/config.d/vncserver
RealVNC Server in User Mode ~/.vnc/config.d/vncserver
RealVNC Viewer ~/.vnc/config.d/vncviewer

See Populating configuration files with parameters for a complete list of configuration files and order in which they are applied.

Reloading parameters

You can reconfigure a running instance of RealVNC Server without downtime by editing Registry keys (Windows) or configuration files (other platforms) and then running the -reload command to re-apply all Registry keys or configuration files to that instance of RealVNC Server. For example, to reload RealVNC Server in User Mode under Linux:

vncserver-x11 -reload

Note that:

  • The -reload command also re-applies license keys.
  • The -reload command does not re-apply:
    • Parameters specified at the command line (see Configuring programs on the command line at start-up) under Linux and Mac. If these parameters have subsequently changed, the original command line values will be overridden.
    • X options, for RealVNC Server in Virtual Mode under Linux.
  • To reload all running instances of RealVNC Server for the current user, in any mode, run the command vnclicense -reload. To reload all running instances of RealVNC Server in any mode for all users, run the same command with elevated privileges.
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  • Is there a way to see how the server will be configured after reading all the config files, including the defaults? For example, with grep I can see that AuthTimeout is commented out in the file: /etc/vnc/policy.d/vncserver-x11, but that does not tell me the value of AuthTimeout in the running server. We know we didn't configure it, but 900 could be the default.

    # grep AuthTimeout /etc/vnc/config.d/common.custom /etc/vnc/policy.d/vncserver-x11

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  • Hi Daniel,

    Thanks for your comment. You can use "-getconfig" to see the parameters used by RealVNC Server, e.g.:

    sudo vncserver-x11 -service -getconfig #Service Mode
    vncserver-x11 -getconfig #User Mode
    vncserver-x11 -virtual -getconfig #Virtual Mode with SystemXorg
    Xvnc -getconfig #Virtual Mode with Xvnc

    I hope this helps!

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