Using the RealVNC Help Center


Signing into the RealVNC Help Center

You can sign into the RealVNC Help Center to manage your support requests and comment on knowledgebase articles to help us improve them. You can also follow topics to be notified of any updates.

To sign in, you can either create a support account or login using your Google or Microsoft accounts. If you have previously had a support request with us, we've already created a support account for you and you just need to set a password using the "Get a password" link on the sign in screen.

Please note - your RealVNC Support account is completely separate from the RealVNC account you use to sign into RealVNC online services and applications.

If you'd like to be able to see tickets from others in your organisation, just let us know and we can enable this.

Submitting and updating support requests

To submit a new support request in Help Center

  1. Click Submit a request at the top of the page.
  2. Enter a subject and description of the problem. Please try to provide as much information as possible.
    • As you enter a subject, a list of suggested articles in the knowledge base appears. You can click one of the articles instead of submitting the request.
  3. Add any attachments (up to 20 MB).
  4. Click Submit.

Viewing and updating support requests in Help Center

Click your profile icon on the upper-right side of any Help Center page, and then click My activities.

To filter your requests by status, select a request status from the Status menu.

  • Open is a request that's been assigned to an agent who is working to resolve it.
  • Awaiting your reply is a request that's been assigned to an agent, but the agent is waiting for more information from you before resolving the request.
  • Solved is displayed when work on the request is complete.

To search your requests, enter a search term in the Search Requests box.

Click the Subject to view the details of a request.

You can add comments to open support requests or create follow up requests for closed requests.

You can also update requests via email by simply replying to the email from RealVNC Support.

Finding and following information in the Help Center

You can use search to find information in the Knowledge Base. 

Additionally, you can follow sections and articles in the knowledge base. When you follow content, you are subscribing it, so that you will be notified by email when new articles, posts, or comments are added. You can stop following content at any time.

Following content

To follow a section or topic

  1. Navigate to the section or topic.
  2. Click the Follow, then choose notifications for only new articles/posts or for all new articles/posts and all comments.

    For articles/posts, you will receive email notifications for new articles/posts only in the section or topic.

    For articles/post and comments, you will receive email notifications for all new articles/posts in the section or post and any new comments.

To follow an article or post

  1. Navigate to the article or post.
  2. Click the Follow button.

    You will receive email notifications for any new comments on the article or post.

Unfollowing content

You can stop following content at any time if you no longer want to receive notifications. For sections and topics, you can also modify your subscription if you decide you only want notifications for new articles/posts and not all comments or vice versa.

To stop following a section or topic

  • In the section or topic, click Following, then select Unfollow.

To stop following an article or post

  • In the article or post, click Following.

    The button changes to Unfollow, indicating that you are no longer following the post; however, you will not receive notifications when the content in the article or post is updated.

RealVNC Virtual Assistant 

 The Virtual Assistant widget is available on all pages of the RealVNC Website.


 Click this to speak with Veronica, our Virtual Assistant. 


If your question isn't answered, you will be put through to a live chat with one of our support agents (please note that live chat is reserved for paid and trial subscription holders only).


Updating your profile

You can edit your Help Center profile from any Help Center page to change your description.

To edit your profile

  1. Click your profile icon on the upper-right side of any Help Center page, and then click My profile to display your profile.

  2. In your profile, click Edit profile.

  3. Enter the updated information into the relevant field and then click OK.
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