Viewing and managing remote access sessions


If your RealVNC Connect subscription is licensed per concurrent session, then each time you connect from RealVNC Viewer to RealVNC Server, those active sessions are allocated against your subscription's Concurrent Session Limit. You can make connections from RealVNC Viewer(s) to RealVNC Server(s) across your Team up to your subscription's Concurrent Session Limit.

RealVNC Connect Portal

Viewing a list of all sessions

You can view and manage your active sessions in the RealVNC Connect Portal. To access the list of active sessions for your team, log in to the RealVNC Connect Portal, click People on the left menu and then click Sessions at the top of the page:


Note, only people with the Manager, Admin or Owner role can access the Sessions page.

On this page, you will see a list of all active sessions for your team and the people using them. You can expand the list of devices they are connected to by clicking on the devices dropdown next to a user:


Viewing a list of sessions for a specific user

To view a list of sessions for a specific user, click the View link next to the user you want to see a list of sessions for. From this screen you will see a list of all the devices the user is currently connected to, when the session started and how long the session has been active for. You can also end sessions from this page.


To go back to the list of all sessions for all users, click Back.

Ending sessions

To end a session, click the End session button next to user you want to end a connection for, then click the red cross next to the connection you want to end.

This feature requires the remote computer to be running RealVNC Server 7.13.0 or later.


Review the information shown on the confirmation popup, and click End this session.


The session will be ended immediately, and the RealVNC Viewer session will close.


If you have any problems when ending sessions, please check out our help article here.

RealVNC Viewer

RealVNC Viewer (7.13.0 and later) show users how many sessions are currently in use, and which device(s) have an active session. The Sessions page to manage sessions in the RealVNC Connect Portal can be quickly accessed via the settings icon at the bottom right of RealVNC Viewer:


A warning is displayed when no more sessions are available, with team Managers, Admins and the Owner able to add additional capacity if required:


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