This article covers how to deploy the RealVNC Server application for Windows using Microsoft Intune. The steps below require that you have already enrolled your Windows devices to Intune.
Convert the MSI to Intune file format
Download the MSI installers for the latest version of RealVNC Server and extract the contents of the .zip file. Make a note of the extraction location.
Download the Microsoft-Win32-Content-Prep-Tool .zip file and extract the contents. Make note a of the extraction location
Open a Command Prompt as Administrator and change the directory to the tool’s extracted location using the "cd" command.
Run IntuneWinAppUtil.exe
When prompted for the source folder, copy/paste where the .msi was extracted to from the file explorer:
When prompted for the setup file, copy/paste the filename of the .msi installer:
When prompted for the output folder, copy/paste the same folder as you did for the source folder:
Finally, it will ask “Do you want to specify a catalog folder (Y/N)”, type “N”
- Once the tool has finished running, the .intunewin file will be ready to upload to Intune!
If you are also deploying RealVNC Viewer, please repeat these steps but download the MSI installers for RealVNC Viewer instead.
Deploy RealVNC Server
- In the Intune portal, navigate to Apps -> Windows apps and click + Add
- When prompted to select the app type, select Windows app (Win32) then click Select
- Click Select app package file then use the file explorer prompt to navigate to the folder where you have saved the converted .intunewin file for RealVNC Server
Click OK. - At the App information step, the name and description fields should be automatically filled in. Set the Publisher field to RealVNC. Then, set any of the additional optional fields you would like.
Click Next. - At the Program step, leave all fields as their default settings - particularly the Install and Uninstall commands that populate automatically as well as the Return Codes at the bottom. Install behavior should be set to System.
Click Next. - For Requirements, set the Operating system architecture of the target computers (which should match the one included in the MSI file name) as well as the Minimum operating system. You can also set any additional optional requirements if you'd prefer.
Click Next. - Under Detection rules, select Manually configure detection rules - then click + Add and select Rule type = MSI. An MSI product code will appear auto-generated, do not change it. Select No for MSI product version check.
Click OK, then Next. - Skip the Dependencies and Supersedence steps by just clicking Next on these views.
- At the Assignments screen under Required, add the group/users you would like to specifically have the application deployed to, otherwise select + Add all devices.
Click Next - The Review + create screen should look similar to this
Click Create and wait for the app to finish uploading to Intune.
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