Not usabele on linux with HiDPI screen
Dear all,
I use RealVNC on Ubuntu Linux 22.04. Most monitors I'm using have 4K resolution and thus scaling is enabled in the display setting (typically set to 200%). With these settings the RealVNC GUI gets unusable, as font get too small to be legible. Please fix this.
Hi Simon,
Thanks for your post. This is something we're looking to improve in a future version. For now, you can try launching VNC Viewer as below, which may help:
vncviewer -ppmm=8
Any progress with this? Here's a screenshot of VNCViewer running on my machine (Linux Mint 21.2/Cinnamon). Launching it with "vncviewer -ppmm=8" does not increase the size of the server name font which remains at about 4 point type on my 13.5" HiDPI laptop screen.
Indeed "vncviewer -ppmm=8" does not help. Every time I am forced to use RealVNC my eyes hurt. Since HiDPI screens are quite common nowadays, I guess this must be affecting many users. Since it's a show stopper I don't understand why this issue is not being fixed.
I'm suffering from a similar problem. I have 4K screens and display scale in gnome settings set to 125%. This is still using X-server, not Wayland.
This is what I see with `-ppmm=8` setting (note the menus/settings are rendered at less than 4-point font):
Any progress on this? Quite poor service considering the issue was raised one and a half years ago now!
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