VNC Server do nothing (no GUI)
I have tried reinstalling VNC Server 6.10.1 multiple times on a fresh installation of Windows 10.
After I start the application, I get UAC prompt. Upon clicking yes the GUI does not show up. The taskbar doesn't show VNC running either.
The task manager, however, does show a VNC Server process. No luck on restart of PC or killing the process.
Thanks for your post. Are you connected to the remote computer using Remote Desktop (RDP) when this happens?
If so, when connected by RDP, you won’t have access to the VNC Server icon/GUI. This is due to the way RDP creates its own virtual session, and runs the VNC Server in the background.
In order to licence VNC Server, please go to the following path "C:\Program Files\RealVNC\VNC Server" and manually run the licensing wizard by double-clicking “vnclicensewiz.exe”.
Please see this link for more information:
I hope this helps!
Jack N
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