RealVNC is not using NVIDIA GPU and driver
I have system with NVIDIA GPU and driver installed. I started vnc using "vncserver-virtual :1" . In process list I see - /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg :1 -config vncserver-virtual-dummy.conf -auth /root/.Xauthority -pn
Looks like Xorg instance initiated by vnc server is not using default xorg.conf file which is configured for nvidia driver and GPU. I can connect to VNC but I can't run apps like glxgears on GPU using VNC session.
How I can configure realvnc for run on GPU. I'm using Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS + GPU RTX8000 .
Hi Sandip,
Thanks for your post. Virtual Mode sessions are rendered by the CPU and as such cannot leverage hardware acceleration at this time. If you need hardware acceleration, please try using Service Mode instead:
sudo systemctl enable vncserver-x11-serviced --now
and connect on port 5900. Note: you will need a connected monitor in most cases for the OS to render the desktop correctly.
Jack N
I'm running virtual machine. Physical display is not connected to vm. I can start my own X server on GPU. But looks like vnc is not starting X server on GPU. Below is my xorg.conf file.
Hi Sandip,
You can try copying /etc/X11/xorg.conf to /etc/X11/vncserver-virtual-dummy.conf but this probably won't work, as the Nvidia driver will be expecting to run in the console session.
As for Service Mode, you may be able to connect anyway depending on how the VM presents GPU/monitors. If you run into any display issues, the first thing to try is adding:
to /root/.vnc/config.d/vncserver-x11
and then restarting VNC Server
Thanks for clue. I was referring this doc -
I have copied my custom xorg.conf file to /etc/X11/vncserver-virtual-dummy.conf and started virtual vnc server as sudo/root user using command - "sudo vncserver-virtual" . VNC started properly on NVIDIA GPU with NVIDIA driver. But VNC session is very sluggish.
Is it correct method ? Why the xorg file name should be vncserver-virtual-dummy.conf ?
Also I can only use root user for vnc session login. Normal user not able to access VNC session started by sudo/root user. How I can give permission to sudo users to access the vnc desktop started with command "sudo vncserver-virtual" ?
Hi Jack,
Is it correct method ? Why the xorg file name should be vncserver-virtual-dummy.conf ?
Also I can only use root user for vnc session login. Normal user not able to access VNC session started by sudo/root user. How I can give permission to sudo users to access the vnc desktop started with command "sudo vncserver-virtual" ?
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