vnc connection cannot enter user name?

I don't understand why the username cannot be entered. I should have to enter my user name and then my password to log in properly.



  • I have a same question.

    I can sign in with my email and password, but I input User name and password, then does not connect.

    I guess User name is wrong??  Which one will be user name on my profil?

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  • RealVNC team can answer for this? I also had same doubt.

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  • having the same issue over here too... I tried to go to the export and changing the userName to see if that would override the empty user @ login but that didn't work... any actual feedback on this would be great... Bin Hu, October is gone!!!! 

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  • Same problem here. Andy support for this now we are into October?

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  • My problem was solved, but everyone's situation may be different from mine. I was having problems connecting to the Raspberry Pi at the time, and after I couldn't connect, I had to connect to the Raspberry Pi through the monitor and found that the vnc on it was prompting me that I hadn't used it for too long or something, so it was disabling something, and I needed to re-enable user login in the settings, and then my vnc would be able to enter the username.

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  • Same problem as stated above with an empty userbanme. Since noone from RealVnc ever answered this post from 2022, I am starting to wonder if our company should start looking for another solution for remote support.

    We have been using RealVnc for about 5 years without issues but not getting any support when you get a very bizarre and seemingly rare issue is not the way to keep your customers happy.

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