RealVNC Server 7.12.1 / Ubuntu 24.10 / Raspberry Pi - Licensing error "Administrative privileges are required"


After I had to upgrade my Ubuntu 23.10 because it was out of support I'm having some issues with the newer versions. I disabled Wayland and installed the virtual display config, but on Ubuntu 24.04.1 the X server would just crash, so I've tried 24.10 now.

24.10 seems to be working mostly fine, however I have issues with the Licensing. When I open VNC server I have to enter my super user password. When I go through the licensing dialog however, I will get the error message "Administrative privileges are required" in the final step. IIRC, at this point a terminal with another su prompt would pop up in the previous releases.

I tried to run the licensing wizard directly from command line with elevated privileges. This did work, however I have less options doing it this way. I was able to add the install to my Team, but I am unable to change the authentication method to VNC password.

Help or a fix in a future release would be appreciated!



1 comment
  • I have the exact same issue with my Ubuntu 22.04

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