Connection from MacOS Sequoia to other machines interrupted and reconnects; Transport Error (Broken Pipe)
Remote machines are Windows 10 and 11 running V7.12.0 Server. Viewer is V7.12.0 on a Mac Studio running Seqouia. (Upgrading to Sequoia is when the problem started.) When connected to the remote Windows machines from the Mac I get disconnected every 5 or 6 seconds with an error message "Attempting to Reconnect...Transport error: send (IP address of remote): Broken Pipe (32)." Then I get reconnected and a new duplicate session is started. At one point I had 9 sessions on 9 different port numbers all from the Mac. I tried the same thing from a Macbook running Sonoma and it is fine. No disconnects. I looked into how Apple has changed some networking things in Sequoia: Limit IP address tracking, Private WiFi address, etc. And I suspect that is the problem but I have switched all the settings and the error persists. Any suggestions?
Same here.. it works for a few hours and them suddenly stops with all the same warnings
are you by any chance using Norton or any other antivirus that might be doing network filtering? I found turning mine off / removing the network filtering made it a bit more stable and a few of the antivirus companies are known to have issues with Sequoia - as do a lot of the VPN providers
No third party apps. However, I just rebooted after turning off Limit IP address tracking and Private WiFi and the problem has gone away for now. As a final check I should probably reintroduce the network settings one at a time and reboot after each one to see if it comes back.
Same thing here. What happens is that I get “unknown route to host” and then I can’t reconnect with that vnc server until I reboot my Mac. I am using the Mac as a client to view the vnc server on my Linux machine for certain projects.
I tend to run my Mac in headless mode using a software monitor ( better dummy). There doesn’t seem to be any consistency with this because, even when I have a monitor plugged in, I still get the same error. However, I’ve found that plugging and unplugging a monitor or even a dummy HDMI dongle can trigger VNC to work again. Perhaps it’s related to the new permissions they’ve implemented, which stop it from working in headless mode? I’m not sure if this is consistent with anyone else’s experience.
Ok - testing for the past 24 hours with a hdmi dongle seems to have solved the problem (touch wood) - not sure if anyone else has been having this issue while running a headless Mac but it might make sense given they now was apps to re-authorise screen recoding once a month and so perhaps they get funny when there is no physical display connected?
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