Cannot connect to VNC Server
Hi folks,
I'm currently experiencing as strange behavior while trying to connect on a VNC server using the VNC viewer on my laptop.
The connection is done between to machine on a domain.
The connection is set to be done using a Windows password and the group has been added to the security groups.
An error appear that port 5900 cannot be used.
Done a netstat -ano | find "5900" which return the PID
Using that PID with tasklist | find "PID" return that the port is already use by VNC server.
So, I've changed the port for testing, using 65535.
From that point, I can connect but get a black screen.
Questions :
- What can be the reason why the port 5900 cannot be used as is already used by VNC ?
- How can we solve this ?
- How can we avoid the black screen ?
Thanks in advance for your help.
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