Real VNC Server - Disconnect when Secondary network in the Server PC reinstated (Windows)

Have 2 NICs cards in Windows machine where the VNC Server is hosted. VNC clients connect through the primary network. Observed that when secondary network is restarted (frequently restarted), the VNC client is disconnecting for almost 3-5 mins. Is there any setting to prevent it? 



1 comment
  • I have a similar question to Dhanabal Ad.

    I also host the RealVNC server on a Windows machine that has two NIC's.  They access the internet through two different ISP's, one primary and one secondary.  RealVNC Server will normally connect through the primary NIC but that fails occasionally.  Will the server timeout when the primary connection is down and switch to the secondary, or will it just sit and wait for the primary to reconnect? 

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