Expert setting to start session with window Maximized or keep previous session size

I don't want to use Full Screen mode in RealVnc viewer because I prefer to have the menu bar from my sessions always visible and I always use the setting "Adapt to Window size" and "keep proportions" but with these setting the session window opens in small size because my local resolution is higher than the target vnc server resolution and I manually maximize it to take all the screen. If I close and restart the session I have to do it again.
I would like either and export setting MaximizeAtStartup or that the sessions remember their last position / size and restart with this settings.



  • Agreed!  I have the opposite problem.  The viewer window always opens almost full screen on my local PC because the remote and local resolutions are almost (but not exactly) the same.  I like to shrink the viewer window on my local PC so it only occupies a certain section of my local screen so I can reference other stuff on my local PC at the same time.

    I'd like to see a setting to remember the last window position and size.

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  • Nota Bene :
    I think that remembering the position and size would be the best thing because sometimes I also need to display 7 remote computers screen and it is painful to place and resize all the windows so that they display the full displaywall.

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