I port forwarded, but why is port still closed?
Hello, please help me port forward VNC 5900 for remote viewing.
I'm running vm router OPNsense 23.1.11_1-amd64
FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE-p8
OpenSSL 1.1.1u 30 May 2023
These are the steps I processed:
Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS jammy > Sharing is turned on.
VMM 4.0.0 is running VM OPNsense port forwarded to 5900.
I tested the port is forwarded, GRC Shields UP shows 5900 is open by the VNC system.
I also tested from my phone's RealVNC app with publicWanIP and publicWanIP:5900, but error: The connection attempt timed out.
Here's the port forward details:
Whilst attempting to remotely connect from my phone's RealVNC app,
I ran OPNsense's Packet Capture on Interfaces WAN and LAN for port 5900 and no traffic.
I ran OPNsense's Packet Capture on Interfaces WAN and LAN for all ports and traffic.
I ran Ubuntu's GUFW and the report shows:
No 3;
Protocol TCP6;
Port 5900;
Address *;
Application gnome-remote-desktop-daemon.
Not sure why packets from phone aren't shown on OPNsense or Ubuntu's traffic analysis?
This is my home network topology:
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