VNC viewer hang
All of a sudden the viewer hangs on "contacting real VNC services" and returns after several minutes a connection error and instructing me to check my internet. The internet is working fine and I am able to connect with other remote apps. This just happened after months of problem free operation. No indication there is a system problem or otherwise. Very puzzling
Experiencing the same here. Status page says RealVNC services are not down but I can't connect to anything.
same here
Same here - I was connected until about 5:30 EST then can't connect again after that
we just started seeing same issue. Most our devices are in one location and I get the error described above. I then tried to connect to other devices same account in another physical location and still same error. Waiting on real vnc to update their operation status..
Thought i was the only one seeing this issue
Something tells me isn't really status...
I am seeing the samething. Normally I see an issue on the status page when this happens thou
Same thing - logs are just filled with:
<14> 2023-08-18T23:14:46.715Z <RedactedMachineName> vncviewer[14704]: Child: 7408: SslIo: Handshaking error: ssl_handshake: SSL - A fatal alert message was received from our peer
Unable to connect to any of my computers this afternoon.
Must be a VNC problem.
Posting some links to others having issues:
same issue here.
Cannot connect from any of 5 computers to any other. Connection fails after time out. For awhile VNCServer would disconnect from RealVNCServices. Had to restart the service. Computer would then disconnect soon after. This was true of all computers, but now this behavior has abated. Also tried direct connect to computer IP on same subnet (192.168.1.xx) -- still failed. Tried removing one computer from VNC Team and and repolacining server 7.6.0 with 7.5.0, then 6.9.1 -- no help.
Status page says a "fix" has been implemented but I still cannot connect to anything. Anyone else having any luck?
So I have tried from three separate locations to connect to two different locations, Each location with multiple devices. Using two different accounts and zero luck. Still not fixed. I haven't been able to connect since late morning.
mine is still stuck on "Contacting RealVNC services..." and after a while, it shows: "Hosted Bootstrap error: No more Bootstrap servers"
am able to connect to my remote machine via ssh or using screen share (on mac). so this is definitely an issue on RealVNC side.
Looks like mine is back up now. Hope it's resolved for everyone else!
same here, from my android phone & PC also "contacting realvnc services..." and end up with "bootstrap server...."
Now working fine on all computers.
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