How do I disable Wayland to use RealVNC Connect?


Is Wayland supported?

RealVNC Connect does not currently support Wayland on Linux. If you don't disable Wayland, when you connect to RealVNC Server on these OSes you will see a blank/blank screen or a message stating "Cannot currently show the desktop", or find you cannot connect until there is a user logged in on the remote computer. The RealVNC Server GUI may also fail to load.

Which Linux distributions use Wayland?

If you are using a version of Linux that uses Wayland by default, such as the below list of Linux distributions, you will need to disable it.

  • Ubuntu 18.04 and later
  • CentOS / RHEL 8 and later
  • Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm (12)

How do I disable Wayland?

To disable Wayland, you need to follow the steps for your platform below.


  1. Locate the configuration file for your OS: /etc/gdm3/custom.conf
  2. Open the file with sudo/root privileges
  3. Uncomment WaylandEnable=false by deleting the # at the beginning of the line
    • Alternatively, run the below command, either in a Terminal/Console app or while connected to the remote computer with SSH:
      sudo sed -i 's/^#.*WaylandEnable=.*/WaylandEnable=false/' /etc/gdm3/custom.conf
  4. Reboot the RealVNC Server computer


  1. Locate the configuration file for your OS: /etc/gdm/custom.conf
  2. Open the file with sudo/root privileges
  3. Uncomment WaylandEnable=false by deleting the # at the beginning of the line
    • Alternatively, run the below command, either in a Terminal/Console app or while connected to the remote computer with SSH:
      sudo sed -i 's/^#.*WaylandEnable=.*/WaylandEnable=false/' /etc/gdm/custom.conf
  4. Reboot the RealVNC Server computer

Raspberry Pi OS

  1. Open Terminal on the Pi, or connect to it using SSH
  2. Run the command: sudo raspi-config
  3. Select Advanced Options, then select Wayland
  4. Select X11 and confirm
  5. Reboot the Pi when prompted
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  • I made this account to say, thank you, this was -exactly- what I needed to find. this has been a bit of a headache for me. thanks for the simple guide.

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