Why can I no longer print to my local printer when connected to my remote Windows computer?



Firstly, please try the troubleshooting steps in this article if you haven't already.

If these do not help, please try reinstalling the VNC Printer Driver on the RealVNC Server computer. To do so, please choose one of the 2 methods below. After completing either method, disconnect and reconnect your RealVNC Viewer and try printing again.

Reinstalling Printer Driver

Firstly, with no RealVNC Viewers connected to the RealVNC Server, remove any printers listed on the RealVNC Server that include "via VNC" in the name.

Next, you need to remove the VNC Print Driver from the RealVNC Server computer. To do this, you need to use the Print Management utility in Windows. You can access it by searching for Print Management in the Start Menu.

In the Print Management utility, locate the VNC drivers by clicking the Custom Filters section, and then All Drivers. Look for VNC Printer (UD) and VNC Printer (PS) (see below screenshot).

Right click each one and then select "Remove driver package".


After both VNC drivers have been removed, open an elevated Command Prompt by searching for Command Prompt in the start menu, then right clicking the Command Prompt result and clicking Run as Administrator. Run the below commands:

cd "C:\Program Files\RealVNC\VNC Server\Printer Driver"
printerinst.exe -remove
printerinst.exe -install
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