How do I create a shared offline Address Book in RealVNC Viewer?


RealVNC Viewer does not currently include a shared local address book.  This article presents two possible solutions if local address book sharing between multiple users is desired.

Working with RealVNC Connection Files

RealVNC Viewer connection files are stored in the following directory for each user on a device that has the RealVNC Viewer installed.


They are saved as [identifier].vnc files.

These individual files can be imported into a different user's RealVNC Viewer by using the File -> Import menu in RealVNC Viewer, or by copying the files to the user profile at C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\RealVNC\ViewerStore .

Note on macOS and Linux, the filepath is /home/[username]/.vnc/ViewerStore

Shared Address Book Option 1 - Shared File Location

Copy the desired .vnc files to a shared location.  If the users have access to this location via a mapped drive or network share, the users can simply double-click on a connection file to launch it in RealVNC Viewer.

This, however, does not add the connection into their RealVNC Viewer's address book, nor does it allow the user to save the password (if the connection hasn't been exported with the credentials saved).

Shared Address Book Option 2 - Symbolic Link


Please note this is not officially supported by RealVNC, please test thoroughly in a non-production environment before making any production changes.

A symbolic link can be used to create a link from a user's folder to a shared folder. For example:

C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\RealVNC\ViewerStore --> Z:\VNC Address Book (This assumes a persistent mapped drive to Z:\Address Book.)

In PowerShell this symbolic link can be created using this command:

New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path "C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\RealVNC\ViewerStore" -Target "Z:\VNC Address Book"

We recommend setting PasswordStoreOffer (File -> Preferences -> Expert) in VNC Viewer to False, to prevent users logging with other user's saved credentials.

Note: For additional information on creating symbolic links, please reference Microsoft's help page here

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